• Congratulations Earthling...
  • You Have Arrived at...
  • Next-Gen Social Media

No Trolls. No Abuse. No Ads. No Fake News. No Foreign Influence Ops.


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Unique protections

DeepFake Detector

CounterSocial is serious about countering fake news and propaganda. We're the only network using AI to automagically analyze uploaded content in near real-time to determine deepfake probability.

Meaningful User Verification

Verification model combining speed and ease of use with accountability and responsibility. Insta-Verify can complete in 30 minutes. Our verification checkmarks cannot be purchased and are not mandatory.

Identity Breach Alerts

CounterSocial has integrated automatic and one-click on demand identity theft alerts. COSOGuard is checking the open and dark web all day and night. If your identity is caught up in a breach - you'll know!

FactLayer Integration

We've also teamed up with Factlayer to integrate realtime inline automatic political bias leaning and fake news awareness via color coded links that let you know a site's veracity BEFORE you click through.


Anti-Child Abuse Mechanisms

We're committed to providing NO SAFE HAVEN for Child Sex Abuse Material. All uploaded images are hashed and compared against NCMEC databases of known CSAM hashes at our infrastructure edge.

Outbound Link Sanitizer

CounterSocial doesn't track its users, but even better than that - we don't let 3rd parties track you either. All outbound links are automagically sanitized to remove any embedded tracking parameters.

Zero Tracking

Because CounterSocial does not rely on ads or 'targeted promoted content' we don't need to collect identifying information, what your interests are, where you've been or who your friends are.

100% Crowd Powered

We're not funded by advertisements, shareholders or dubious third parties. We're 100% funded by our users. Core functionality is free for anybody but you can upgrade to a PRO account for verification and premium features.


Unrivaled Desktop Experience



Choose Simplified Single Column Mode...

Simplified single-column mode is available if you're after something familiar while you get your feet wet. You can stay with it, or switch modes any time you like - with ONE click.

  • Light and dark modes - it's totally up to you.
  • Ostrich Mode, to remove distractions like TV channels and news tickers.
  • Robust privacy and filtering to avoid being exposed to certain phrases or hashtags.
  • Create your own 'watchlists' of users, topics, or hashtags.
  • Direct access to Video Conferencing.

... you can switch between modes any time you like, as many times as you like - but if you're feeling adventurous, feel free to dive straight into...

CounterSocial Preview

...advanced multi-column dashboard mode

The CounterSocial advanced multi-column mode is more like a dashboard. Everything you need is right there for you... and you can customize it to fit YOUR requirements and needs.

  • Everything that comes with simplified mode, and much more.
  • You can 'PIN' columns that are most relevant to you, as many as you like.
  • No need to contantly refresh or bounce around the site.
  • Customize your user experience to make it exactly how you want it.
  • Access to everything - all from one single screen.

There's lots more to explore, just dive in and make your presence known with an introduction - you can't break CounterSocial so feel free to experiment, and ask the community for help if you need it!

CounterSocial Preview

Unique features


CounterSocial users also get access to our integrated, secure, ephemeral 500TB file sharing solution. It's at-rest encrypted and your files can be time-limited or restricted to a specific download count, with ANYONE.

Emergency Radio Traffic

We've got COSOCOM. It's listening to 7000+ emergency radio frequencies and will auto-tune in realtime to chatter from the ground when a major incident occurs, long before traditional media catch on.

COSOCall Conferencing

Secure ephemeral one-click private video conferencing. You can spawn a conference and invite ANYONE via a unique link, even non CounterSocial users. No downloads. No signups. No hassle. No BS.

Precog Reading

Precog Reading Mode is our unique and grounbreaking technology that utilizes artificial fixation points to assist our neurodivergent users to glide super fast through text and stay focused.


We understand that everyone uses social media in different ways and for different reasons, so if you are looking for a similar user experience to what you are used to on other platforms, switch to a simplified mode.

Enhanced Privacy Mode

External links posted to public feeds or timelines can be accessed using our Enhanced Privacy Mode - this essentially puts us between you and the host/server you are visiting. Because we're awesome.


CounterSocial provides access to courtesy LIVE streaming news coverage from selected satellite and cable TV providers, right from inside the interface. If news is your thing you can ditch Sling.

Exploding Posts

Posts can be set to 'self-detonate'. It doesn't matter if you are insuring yourself against stalkers and harassers or you just like to keep a tight ship when it comes to your online footprint.


COSO-on-the-go with our official app

CounterSocial is built on open-standards, and because of this, you can use our official FREE iOS or Android mobile apps - or you can try your hand at building your own with our developer API.



*for mobile phones only

PreCog Reading Mode

CounterSocial is the FIRST Social Network to build in optional native real-time support for 'PreCog Reading Mode'. It's a technique where our technology figures out the first few SIGNIFICANT letters in each word and bolds them, making it easier for some readers, especially neurodivergent readers, to glide through text and stay focused.

Meet Alfred, your personal assistant

how serious are we?

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us.

And we're here to counter it.

We block access to our network from the following nation states along with over 100,000 Tor Nodes, proxies and VPNs.


By the numbers

Statuses Posted

Visitors per Month

Network Threats Mitigated